Just A Few Spaces Left!

A few spots remain for Acorn Studio's Seeds of Creativity Camps, our unique Visual Art and Gardening Camps this July and August.

Seeds of Creativity campers will create and explore new art techniques and mediums through individual and group art projects AND spend time outdoors exploring nature.
Both Seeds of Creativity camp weeks offer unique projects and experiences.

Guest teachers will be visiting Acorn Studio and Garden to share their special talents and knowledge each day. Artist-Gardeners will be tasting and making delicious food and every day will include fun outdoor time, games and a community walk.

All art materials included. Every kid will receive a sketchbook. We celebrate Friday with a homemade pizza lunch!

Visual Art and Garden Camp 
Ages 4 - 8
Monday - Friday 10 AM - 3PM
$280.00 + HST per child / 1 week

JULY 18 - 22
Activities will include:
  • Growing Vegetable Soup! Making our Sketchbooks and Sketching a Garden Plan
  • Planting seeds. Compost and Earthworms! String painting
  • What's the Buzz about Bees? 
  • We're making a bean pole tent! Jack and the Beanstalk 

AUGUST 8 - 12
Activities will include:
  • Planting a rainbow! Making our Sketchbooks and exploring Colours
  • Drawing plants. How does our garden grow? Seedlings
  • Insect Art 
  • Rainbarrels. Bulding a Fountain and Painting Stone Creatures.

Acorn Seeds of Creativity Camps are small with close groups of 6-10 children. We only have a few spaces remaining- do you know a child who might like to join us? 
Here's a link to more information about our 2016 Camps :

Acorn Art Studio
416 573 7619
Glenholme Ave @ Earlsdale in Oakwood Village